
Lepomis gibbosus


Photo credit: ©Gordon H. Copp & Michael Godard
Lepomis gibbosus
  • This species is deep-bodied, and laterally compressed and is up to a maximum of 40cm in length and up to 450g in weight.
  • It has orange green, yellow or blue speckles on an olive back, yellow sides, and yellow-orange body and breast.
  • It has sharp spines in the dorsal and anal fins.

Download N.I.E.A. ID guide

Origin and Worldwide Distribution:
  • The native range is eastern North America. It was introduced to Belgium, France and Germany in the 19th century, then was spread to the British Isles later (between 1890 and 1915).

Potential or Known Impacts:
  • It has the potential to disturb shorelines when spawning.
  • It is known to predate on local fish and invertebrate species, potentially leading to localised and widespread decline.

How did it/could it get here?
  • The main pathways of introduction are varied, including as an escaped ornamental and pet fish, and for aquaculture.
  • May have accidentally been introduced for angling in Southern England as they were introduced with young carp into the former Czechoslovakia.

Is it found in Northern Ireland?
  • It is not found in Northern Ireland.

Methods for Prevention:
  • Prevention of the species being sold and transported is key to stop its spread.
  • Monitoring pathways of introduction and removing any individuals
  • Report all sightings.

You can help by reporting any sightings: @ the Centre for Environmental Data & Recording (CEDaR) - Or via the iRecord App.
Current Legislative Position (Listed on 14 August 2019)
  • This species must not intentionally be brought into the Union; kept; bred; transported to, from or within the United Kingdom, unless for the transportation to facilities in the context of eradication; placed on the market; used or exchanged; permitted to reproduce, grown or cultivated; or released into the environment.
For further queries, you can contact the Invasive Non Native Species (INNS) Team in the Northern Ireland Environment Agency on 028 9056 9558 or Email: invasivespecies@daera-ni.gov.uk

Species Related Files:

Invasive Species Northern Ireland

Invasive Species Northern Ireland