Invasive aquatic plants can damage our ponds, waterways and the environment.
Be plant wise and don’t dump aquatic plants in the wild!!!!
Ponds can create a wonderful feature to be enjoyed all year round and are often a haven for wildlife. However, if they are not cared for properly some pond plants can take over your pond. They can also become established in the wild, where they can smother our native plants, clog our waterways, exacerbate flooding and remove oxygen from the water, which can harm fish.
Pond owners, gardeners, aquarists, anglers and other water users can unknowingly assist the spread of aquatic plants into our countryside. These plants can rapidly become major environmental problems with expensive associated costs.
Whether you are a pond owner or a retailer of aquatic plants, by following the three simple steps below you can become Plant Wise and help to reduce the risks of invasive aquatic plants being released into our environment.
The following resources offer advice for gardeners and pond owners. We are also working closely with retailers of aquatic plants to provide information in stores.
These pages contain the detailed information you need to Be Plant Wise: